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  • Writer's pictureShruti Benny

God's Love Language

Grace and Peace in Christ Jesus!

Blessed Gaudete Sunday! In light of the season of Advent being upon us, and this time of the year being particularly full of joy and love, I thought what better time than now to talk about love languages --- in particular, my understanding of God’s own love language. This topic is remarkably deep, so stay tuned as we spend the last Sunday of Advent reflecting on God’s love language as well!

For those of you who may not be familiar with this concept, a person’s love language is the way in which they express love and the way in which they receive love the best. There are 5 commonly known love languages which are physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and receiving gifts. If a person’s love language is quality time, they will demonstrate their love for you by spending time with you. They will also feel the most loved when you spend quality time with them.

Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s dig a little deeper! One of my favorite questions to ask someone is what their love language is. I have found that this simple question opens up a vivid understanding of who a person is. By getting to know someone’s love language, you get a glimpse of the colors of their heart: what fills them with joy, what breaks them down, their comforts, their misery, and all the inbetween.

So naturally, I wanted to understand God’s love language to get a glimpse of His heart and deeply cherish His love. As I spent time in prayer, I dove into the Bible to find some answers. Searching through the Bible, I realized God’s love language is revealed throughout the whole Bible. I was looking for some magnificent display of love, but His love is simple and shown in the most genuine way. His love language shown from the beginning of time is faithfulness.

“Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the Heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” Psalm 36:5

We can see that God’s steadfast love and His faithfulness always go hand in hand. When looking at how God shows love to His people, it is unmistakably through His faithfulness.

Starting at the very beginning with Adam and Eve, we see that although they sinned against Him, He remained faithful to them. As they left the Garden of Eden and humanity grew, God resided with us and proved His faithfulness time and time again, despite the many times we’ve turned away. He confidently encourages us to put our trust in Him and not fear the things of the world because from the beginning of time until now, the one thing that has remained unshakable is His faithfulness to us.

“If we are faithless, he remains faithful --- for he cannot deny himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13

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